Membership applications / renewals etc,
should be sent directly to the Honorary Membership Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
The International Short Wave League (ISWL) was formed in 1946 and for 79 years,
has provided facilities enabling members around the world to enjoy their hobby,
to the great advantage to themselves and fellow enthusiasts.
The International Short Wave League is a non profit making organisation,
run by volunteers who are elected by the Leagues members.
ALL of our members can participate in a full contest and awards programme.
Our awards are also available to non members and can be posted world-wide.
Following enquiries from Amateur Radio Clubs and Societies etc.,
regarding Affiliated membership of the ISWL, the League's Council
has approved such membership.
Clubs and other Radio organisations are very welcome to join the League.
A leaflet has been prepared to outline what the ISWL has to offer,
to both Individual members and Affiliated Clubs and Societies.
Due to the rising price of Paper, Ink and Postage etc, we have introducedPlease download an information sheet and
membership application form from our home page.
OR for more information contact the Honorary Membership Secretary
at the address given above.
You can also email for an information sheet to :-
The League publishes a monthly journal called "Monitor", which is issued to members.
It contains sections concerning Contests, HF operations, Airband, DX news,
Short Wave Broadcast schedules, as well as occasional articles written by
League members, relating to QRP, VHF Operation, Antennas and much more.
Members own articles are always welcomed by Lindsay the Editor.
Monitor is also available to members in A4 PDF format when they join the League
at the reduced Fee for "Electronic membership"
Lindsay is awaiting an article from YOU - Please send it to:
For a sample copy of Monitor in PDF format, please send Lindsay an email to:
or Pete the Webmaster:
The ISWL holds regular nets throughout the week at various times and on various
frequencies and ALL are welcome to participate whether ISWL members or not.
All current Nets are very active.
Please look at the Net page to see the net times and also, to see the new 24/7
calling frequencies, for members around the world to meet up at non net times.
The club callsigns G*4BJC /A and M*1SWL /A can be operated by U.K. members
on a rota basis for one month, from their own station's QTH. ( Or /P if appropriate ),
and can be heard on many of the nets each week.
If you are an ISWL member possessing * A FULL UK licence
and wish to operate either callsign on any band,
or you have any query regarding the ISWL nets,
email John at :-
Have YOU previously operated G*4BJC or M*1SWL ?
Then why not operate the other club callsign
to give members a few new Monitor Award points?.
If YOU wish to operate either club callsign
Please contact John ASAP to check availability.
OR Click the link on the homepage to visit the Regular Nets
and Club Callsigns Pages.
A FULL UK Licence is required to operate the club calls.
For Net times, frequencies and availability of Club Callsigns
please click the links on the Homepage.
The ISWL operates a most efficient QSL Bureau, to handle QSL's
for all of the Club's calls and ISWL Special event stations.
All Logbooks for the Club and Special callsigns are automatically
uploaded to Incoming QSL's are only answered on a
"QSLR" basis. Cards can only be returned direct, if adequate
return postage is enclosed. Otherwise return cards are sent out
via the RSGB Bureau. (Note: IRC's are no longer valid in the UK).
The League also continues to handle the exchange of cards
between current ISWL members.
Members wishing to receive cards, should submit a SAE to the
Bureau. So that incoming cards can be promptly dispatched.
Members who do not wish to receive incoming QSL's, can notify
the Bureau, so that cards are not stored for them.
Our QSL Bureau has been subject to changes recently. Partly
due to the ever increasing Postal costs and also, because many
national Bureaus globally, have changed their terms of acceptance
of incoming cards. Many Bureaus are now only accepting cards
for Hams and SWL’s, who are members of their national society.
The ISWL Bureau has also ceased to accept "outgoing" cards,
destined for non members around the world. This was a very
regrettable decision, but postal costs have increased so much,
that we were unable to maintain a viable world-wide service.
The QSL manager for ALL ISWL Club and Special Callsigns is :-
( All Callsign details are listed on )
The ISWL accepts e-QSL's for all awards and club Callsigns.
We Prefer to receive ALL cards via
( Registration with is Free )
( We DO NOT Support LOTW )
The Leagues Contests and awards Manager arranges monthly events for members,
with a certificate being awarded to the winner of each contest, and an annual trophy is
presented to the member, gaining the most points in each category during the year.
( These Trophies are retained for life, as new ones are purchased each year. )
The Typical Line Up of Annual ISWL Trophies
Please visit the contest & challenge pages via the links on the Home page
ISWL AWARDS are available free to members and include Century Club,
Commonwealth Award, Continental Award, European Award, States Award,
Zone Award, 5 Band DX Century Award, Short Wave Broadcast DX Awards
and many more.
The Awards are also available to ALL non-member licensed amateurs
and SWLs world-wide. ( For a small cost to cover Postage etc. )
Click the RED AWARDS link above for full details.
The ISWL Contests and Awards Manager is:
Dick was presented with a plaque of appreciation at
the Harwell rally on the 13th February 2011.
Rally Attendances
The ISWL hopes to run a few Rally stands throughout the UK each year.
If any member can help with organising rally dates,
please contact Peter the Hon. Secretary.
The Hon. Secretary acting as Rally Manager, is not expected to attend
venues throughout the year, more a case of acting as a coordinator.
Any member who wishes to put on a stand at their local
rally can do so, by contacting Peter the Secretary with
full details. Arrangements can then be made to obtain a
"Rally Pack" and the ISWL Banner for display on the stand.
Also, If you are a Rally organiser and would like to offer us a
free or Inexpensive small table at your Rally, please contact
Peter, so we can try and organise someone to man a table.
Peter's address is at the top if this page
email Peter at :-
Occasionally the League publishes publications that are of general
interest to both Licensed Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners alike.
(No Current publications are available at the moment)
If you are a CURRENT ISWL member and would like your personal
web page link added to the Members Personal Homepage List .
( One Web page link per paid subscription )
A full list of ISWL members is not provided,
only information from those who wish to make it available.
Please Do Not ask the webmaster or any ISWL Officer for member's email addresses.
Please E-mail The Membership Secretary if you require more information about the ISWL ( OR download a membership form and Information sheet from the Home page ). |
My Thanks to Frank GW-197 / GW3CNM (now SK) for his help
with some of the graphics used on these web pages.
These HQ Web pages are sponsored and maintained by:
Since February 2005, all of Pete's domain registration
renewals and web page hosting has been entrusted to:
Friendly and Helpful 24/7 (UK based) Technical Support