ISWL Awards

The International Short Wave League's Awards are available to ALL
short wave listeners and licensed amateurs.

Most ISWL awards now have 3 levels of achievement, i.e. Bronze, Silver and Gold.
The recent changes also allow for awards to be claimed,
on a "Worked", "Heard" or "Verified" Basis.

This is due to the increasing costs and difficulties, that both Hams and SWL's
are experiencing, in obtaining QSL cards from radio stations around the world.

The ISWL was one of the first organisations, to accept e-mail QSL's for all of it's awards. Cards are accepted for the above awards.

In the under mentioned award details, AM = Amateur Bands and BC = Broadcast Bands

Mixed amateur and broadcast band claims are NOT accepted for any ISWL awards.


Contacts made or heard via any Internet Link, such as "Echo-Link",

"CQ-100", or any other mode of communication via an internet connection,
including stations heard via a Web SDR etc,
ARE NOT VALID for any ISWL Awards, Contests or Challenges.



The ISWL Contests and Awards Manager is:


Century Club

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception of 100 countries,
as defined on the DXCC Country List. With stickers available
for each additional 25 countries up to a maximum of 350.


5 Band Century Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception of 100 different countries,
as defined on the DXCC Country List, on each of the 3.5, 7, 14, 21
and 28 MHz
amateur bands,
totalling 500 in all.

The Verified 5 band award is the mark of a true DX'er.

Commonwealth Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of countries
within the British Commonwealth of Nations.
As listed on the ISWL's claim form.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 12 - Silver = 16 - Gold = 20 countries.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 30 - Silver = 45 - Gold = 60 countries.

African DX Diploma

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of countries
located in Continental Africa. As listed on the ISWL's claim form.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 5 - Silver = 10 - Gold = 18 countries.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 25 - Silver = 35 - Gold = 45 countries.

Continental Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of 10 stations
in each of the six continents, 60 countries in total.


European Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of different
DXCC countries within the continent of Europe.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 12 - Silver = 15 - Gold = 18 countries.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 40 - Silver = 50 - Gold = 60 countries.

Monitor Award - current ISWL Members only

Licensed members - For working, hearing or verified contact / reception,
of 25 licensed ISWL members since 1st January 1987, with stickers
for each additional 25 members. Licensed members may also count cards
from ISWL SWL members for this award.

Short Wave Listeners - For hearing or verified reception,
of 25 licensed ISWL members since 1st January 1987,
with stickers for each additional 25 members.

The first 1,000 point Monitor Award was claimed in April 2012
by Vice President Pete Rayer G-13038 (ex ARS MP4BIM 1970-71).
Pete took 24 years of monitoring ISWL nets etc, to achieve this magnificent score.


Pacific Ocean Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of countries having
the whole or some part of their coastline bordering the Pacific Ocean.
As listed on the ISWL's claim form.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 3 - Silver = 5 - Gold = 7 countries.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 30 - Silver = 45 - Gold = 60 countries.

States Award

(Not for broadcast band listeners)

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception,
of the states of the United States of America.

HAM Bands Only: Bronze = 30 - Silver = 40 - Gold = 50 States.

The Americas Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception, of different
DXCC countries within the continents of North and South America.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 5 - Silver = 7 - Gold = 10 Countries.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 30 - Silver = 40 - Gold = 50 Countries.

Zone Award

For working, hearing or verified contact / reception,
of ITU Zones as defined on an ITU Zone map.

B/Cast Bands: Bronze = 20 - Silver = 30 - Gold = 40 Zones.
HAM Bands: Bronze = 40 - Silver = 50 - Gold = 60 Zones.

Short Wave Broadcast Bands DX Award

(For broadcast bands only)

Available to all Broadcast Bands listeners for hearing or verified reception
of short wave broadcast stations in all 6 continents. The number of countries
which must be heard or verified in each continent when applying for a particular
Class is shown below:

Class Europe Africa Asia N.America S.America Oceanic
Class 1 18 18 25 5 4 6
Class 2 13 10 18 4 3 5
Class 3 10 7 12 3 2 3
Class 4 7 5 7 2 1 2


Total Countries Heard or Verified Class
80 Class 1
53 Class 2
37 Class 3
24 Class 4


All ISWL Awards are free and post free to CURRENT ISWL members.

Non Members:

All UK Claimants The first certificate in any claim is £2.
All additional certificates or stickers claimed at the same time,
will only cost 50 pence each. (Including postage etc).

European Claimants  (Including Eire):
The first certificate in any claim is $3 U.S. or €3 (Euro).
All additional certificates or stickers claimed at the same time,
will only cost $1 U.S., or €1, (Including postage etc).

Non European Claimants:
The first certificate in any claim is $4 U.S.
All additional certificates or stickers claimed at the same time,

will only cost $1 U.S. each. Including postage etc).

Claim forms can be obtained from the ISWL Awards Manager,


Or a .zip file can be downloaded, in either .doc or .pdf format,
from the home page on this web site.

A Good Tip:
If you are a Non Member and wish to claim several awards,
become a member and obtain all your awards free of charge
(whilst a
current member) - it will save you money.

Snail mail requests for award claim forms
UK stations please enclose return postage
for a basic
Large Letter " .

Overseas stations please enclose $1 (1 usd)
to help cover return postage costs etc.

Only cheques drawn directly on a UK bank can be accepted.
(Payable to: International Shortwave League).

Sorry! - NO Foreign cheques or Eurocheques can be accepted,
as UK banks charge large sums of money to encash them.
Also,  NO foreign currency other than Euro's and US Dollars can be accepted.

Sorry - IRC's are no longer accepted by the U.K. Post Office.

Grids on the Air Award

The Grids on the Air Challenge is an external HF award, for collecting grid Squares
on CW, AM and SSB.
The ISWL is happy to endorse this challenge as it welcomes
SWL participation. (SWL's Click the SWL box when registering).

Please visit :

The DX'ers ATLAS
A Superb and very functional Atlas

An Ideal tool for checking awards etc.