ISWL Members Personal
Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into
effect on 25th May 2018.
The GDPR Data Act requires the
ISWL to inform all members of the following:
You must have a simple document,
that you give to everyone, that explains:
1. What data
we collect: Names and Addresses etc.
Plus (if supplied),
Telephone Numbers and email addresses etc;
2. Where and how it is stored;
3. Who can view it and
importantly what they can view;
4. Any information that is
shared - this includes data that you must supply to legal bodies,
though you may
cover that with lawful processing.
The League’s GDPR Statement:
The only Data retained by the
ISWL is for administrative purposes only.
The information requested at the
time of the application for league membership:
i.e. we collect: Names and
Addresses etc. Plus (if supplied), Telephone numbers and email addresses.
This is the basic information
required to administer the league.
email addresses are essential, if the Monitor
magazine is sent out via email.
However, in the event of any
member not wishing their details to be stored on computer,
they will be unable
to hold a current membership of the league.
The league does have a member’s
callbook. Stating: first name, membership number and callsign, plus full
New/Re-join Members are
requested to state they have no objection to the address being divulged.
Existing members can amend their options at any time by contacting us.
In the event of a request to
with-hold the address details, the name, member number and callsign will be
and the entry in the address panel will show “Details withheld at members
Members of Council are the only
persons having access to members details
and at no time is any information
passed to a third person or organisation.
Our Membership Secretary undertakes the roll of data Controller.
All queries should be referred
directly to the person holding that post.
The League's current Data Controller is Ron,
our Membership Secretary
Ron's contact details are as follows:-