This webpage is for ISWL Special Event
and DX News
recent DXCC Updates etc
if you are an ISWL Member
- Please inform us if you will be operating a
Special Event callsign,
OR any other callsign, that would qualify
for the
Monitor Award. Including operating away from your home QTH
/P, /M
PLEASE let Pete the webmaster know, so that your event can be
listed here
and published in the Monitor magazine -
Please include full details in your e-mail
Please contact Pete at:
Also Check the
"Affiliated Clubs
Page", for their Special Event News
and the
"Club Calls page" for the current
list of club call operators
Updated every 3 hours from the NOAA Website
ISWL Members - Event News
Your Event News Could Appear Here - Contact Pete The Webmaster Members Special calls and holiday call variations can be displayed here to assist other members who chase the Monitor award and WAB squares etc. ![]()
Watch this space..... Your DX event news here....... |
Click the Logo above to go to:
Unlike some other Ham call search providers,
welcomes "Registered
SW Listeners"
Ham and SWL Registration on
only takes a couple of minutes,
.......So why not do It NOW.
Welcomes Registered SWL's and is NOT associated with
Crimea and DXCC
Upon request of the CEO, the ARRL Awards
committee evaluated the situation at present in Crimea against the
DXCC rules.
As the interpreter of the rules, the following is the
Awards Committee’s decision on how to “count” QSOs with stations
operating from Crimea.
Crimea is not a DXCC entity. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a rare
entity and the vast majority of confirmations used for
DXCC credit
for either entity do not involve Crimea.
DXCC Rule 4 reads:
"4. Confirmation data for two-way communications must include the
call signs of both stations, the entity name as shown in
the DXCC
List, mode, date, time and band. Except as permitted in Rule 1,
cross-mode contacts are not permitted for DXCC
Confirmations not containing all required information may be
A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Ukraine and
showing the entity name as Ukraine counts as Ukraine.
A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Russia and
showing the entity name as Russia counts as Russia.
A QSL that satisfies neither condition does not count for either
73 es DX! Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111
Telephone: (860) 594 0234, Fax: (860) 594-0346
email: DXCC Web
Blog: Twitter: arrl_dxcc
After considerable deliberation, CQ
has determined that the best course of action regarding Crimea and
CQ contests
October 2014 - Still Valid)
Crimea and
CQ Contests
CQ policy on stations in Crimea
using Russian-issued call signs in CQ contests
is to follow the lead of the United Nations and the
United States government, both of which continue to consider
to be part of Ukraine, until such time as the political situation
there is resolved. Therefore,
Logs will not be accepted for any CQ Contest
from stations in Crimea operating with Russian-issued call signs.
Contacts made by others with those stations will be removed from
contestants' logs without penalty.
No contact or multiplier credits
will be given.
instead of
Ukrainian prefixes. As regrettable as that may be, our action is
consistent with international law,
as well as with our own Rules.
FK8IK Several links
are listed below to DX News outlets, that supply
Remember - There is
for your DX-News
Known Pirate activity
Some Stations get wrongly listed as "Pirate Stations". However, it may often
be the case, that a callsign
has been incorrectly heard or logged.
is a PIRATE. Any QSL sent to YI1IRQ will be returned unanswered
Please note info on
Please do not send QSL card if after that date.
"There are NO
Hams on Gough Island at this time. It will take a few years for one
to go down again."
This is a pirate operation. Please do not send QSL cards or money."
and sending his QTH as "Europa Island, AF 009". ...This is a Pirate Station.
NO genuine activity has occurred since the dxpedition to Europa in 2003.
NO current activity has been authorized from this island.
"TO" prefix block used in 2003 is no longer in use.
Access to Europa is
forbidden, except under special authorisation.
Didier F5OGL, QSL manager
for the 2003, EUROPA Dxpedition will NOT
answer any cards for this
Pirate activity.
17m CW was active on March 9th, and was definitely a PIRATE station.
He contacted Mic, FK8IK, and he also states it was a PIRATE.
Top Quality DX News and Contest information,
for both the Amateur and Broadcast bands enthusiast.
An "Aladdin's cave" of DX, IOTA and Expedition news,
with Dxpedition Movies plus a downloadable PDF DX bulletin
These Archives are a good source of previous DX information
An essential webpage for 6 Metre enthusiasts
425 DX News
A great source of Information Including a weekly newsletter
The reliable news source about International
Mediumwave and Shortwave Broadcasting
WA7BNM Contest Calendar
Superb pages for all major contest information
World Contests Calendar and
Related Information
Bill - NG3K
A Great resource of DX stations who are participating in major contests
Current DXCC Country / Prefix lists
& 10 Band Checklists in various
340 DXCC Countries
Feel free to use and distribute
these lists
as FREE lists
If you have any useful
All Graphics are used with thanks to their originator
Lists updated May 2022 - Still current December 2024
send the information to Pete the webmaster