As part of the League's Contests and Awards programme, the
Awards Manager arranges some ALL YEAR contests for members,
called the "ALL YEAR CHALLENGE" with an annual trophy for the
member, gaining the most points in each category during the year.
These Contests Run Every Year from:
0000z on January 1st to 2400z on December 31st
The ISWL Contests are open to "Current " Members Only
Contacts made or heard via any Internet Link, such as "Echo-Link",
"CQ-100", or any other mode of communication via an internet connection,
including stations heard via a Web SDR etc,
ARE NOT VALID for any ISWL Awards, Contests or Challenges.
2025 - All Year contest Logs must reach the contest manager
by 10th February 2026
Entries arriving late will automatically be Rejected
The typical Line Up of ISWL ALL YEAR Challenge and Contest Trophies
The "Presidents Cup" - One was presented for TX and one for RX
Congratulations to all the winners
Contests and all year Challenges are open to ALL " Current" ISWL members
The ISWL Contests and Awards Manager is:
Contest Rules which refer to all Amateur Band Contests:
Stations operating outside their own Country will count as follows:
G3DDD/EA8 counts as EA8 Canary Islands.
PY/DL8GGG counts as PY Brazil.
Stations operating as /M, /MM
CQ calls are allowed
Prefixes must be listed as per the ISWL, ARRL, RSGB or AC6V lists.
Countries must be as listed on the ISWL, ARRL, RSGB or AC6V lists.
Points to be Awarded
The following points are available for each ALL YEAR contest:
1st Place: |
25 Points |
2nd Place: |
20 Points |
3rd Place: |
16 Points |
4th Place: |
13 Points |
5th Place: |
11 Points |
6th Place: |
10 Points |
All other places: |
8 Points |
The object is to log a station from each country on as many
of the NINE bands as possible.
Mixed Modes and CQ calls are accepted.
Scoring is 4 points for stations on 160M, 2 points for 80 and 40M,
1 point for all the other bands. (Including the WARC bands).
i.e. 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m & 10m.
NOTE: The 60m band is excluded from the All Year Challenge,
as it is not available to all Licensed operators.
This total is then multiplied by the total number of countries
heard / worked throughout the year.
The object of this contest is to log as many different prefixes as possible
during the year on the NINE bands.
Once the prefix is heard on one band it CANNOT
be claimed on another band
Scoring is one point per prefix multiplied by the total
number of countries heard
The object is to log ONE station per country on
each of the 11 Broadcast Bands
Scoring is 1 point for a station in your own continent
and 2 points for all other continents
This total is then multiplied by the total number
of countries heard throughout the year.